Friday, June 28, 2013

Little + Little = BIG!

So....I suppose I should write about why I have lots of cooking and baking posts. There is a point, really! Yes, the topic random because I am quite a random Catholic little asian girl, but it doesn't mean that there is no point.

You see, this summer I was expecting to come home from school to a nice office job with plenty of things to file, phone calls to make and answer, A/Cs to battle, and whatever else people do in offices. Well, that didn't exactly happen. In fact, not a single job that I applied for happened at all; not even a single internship or volunteer job.

You could say that I'm the type of person who finds great joy in doing things for people - literal things that equal evident progress and apparent customer satisfaction. I work in the library at school, and, believe it or not, I actually like running around helping unlock study rooms, searching for books on the computer, checking stacks of books higher than me back into the system, and shelving carts and carts of books. (Alright, maybe not so much the shelving...) Maybe it's not fun all the time, but when it's done, who wouldn't feel a sense of accomplishment after seeing everything that got done?

Except, that doesn't happen here. Here, I can't do big, useful things.

But then again, maybe I don't have to.

I think it was Saint Therese who said that just picking up a thimble with great love is enough to convert a sinner. Whoever it was, the whole "doing things with great love" popped in my head. There were plenty of little things to do around the house, why not? They make people happier just the same as helping customers at a counter.

Well, I found that washing dishes, sweeping floors, hanging the laundry, and scrubbing refrigerators with great love is much harder than doing something big. It's hard to keep a smile on when what you've cleaned becomes dirty the next day, or when nobody really notices, or when they ask you to do it all over. I don't claim to be able to love every single time! (Actually, I probably fail more than achieve at it.)

Cooking/baking is one of those little things that I do. I guess it's one of the bigger little things since people get to eat yummy (at least, I think they're yummy...) things. Plus, it's a good way to practice and explore new recipes!

It is worth it in the end. Because at the end of the day, the One who counts the most, counts all your little attempts. He sees them - and the love you put into them - even when nobody else does. And that, I think, is what matters.

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